© 2013 julie. All rights reserved. flyer-landpartie Kopie Kopie



A research into which way design processes can build an emotional bond between user and object.

Bernd (43) from Berlin: „I did not know that I can something like that.“
Susanne (54) from Rosche: „I´m happier that I`ve come.“
Mathilda (4) from Hamburg: „Mum, Mum, that makes so much fun.“

The partizipatory project HAND PRINT WORKSHOP started first in May 2013 as part of the “Kulturelle Landpartie“ (cultural landpartie) in Wendland. During a period of ten days, children and adults had the possibility to print their individual “cultural landpartie history“ on fabric or paper.
The project can be considered as a research how the concept of sustainability can be implement on a user-object relationship in a product in addition to material selections.
The value and the emotional subject-object-relationship of the created pieces are generated by the choice of motifs, the memories and the fact to do something by yourself.
The result is a more conscious and more emotional relationship to handmade products in general.
This cognition affects not only a longer lifespan of self-made products, but also reinforces the perception and appreciation of other handcraft items.

The wood-linoleum stamps, specially made for the landpartie, provide the users with a low threshold to be creative. It is easier to put a finished design on a white sheet than a first stroke.
Individuality and own stories arise out of stamp selection, arrangement, the motifs relate to each other and the color selections.
Joy about successes, slight disappointment during adversities, as well as ensuing surprise by integrating  mistakes, were recognizable.
Such experiences motivated the people to find more trust in themselves .